Wednesday, July 30, 2008


McCain's benign skin biopsy reminds Mark Kleiman of a remark by one of Randolph Churchill's opponents after a biopsy of Churchill's lung also came out benign; he said that the doctors had "found the one bit of Randolph that wasn't malignant and cut it out."

And Kleiman comments:
It takes a special kind of nastiness in a politician to give that joke a real point. Lord Randolph had it; until this year, you wouldn't have said the same thing about John McCain.

Pity, that.



Anonymous said...

I'll confess....I don't get it. If Mr Klieman is saying that John Mc Cain has become totally malignant and nasty in the last year, I definitely don't get it.


Dan said...

I cited the post mainly because the comment about Randolph Churchill strikes me as being very witty. I included Kleiman's comment on McCain as an afterthought.

As for Kleiman's comment, however, yes, he certainly is suggesting that the senator has recently become "especially nasty" and that this is a pity. I agree on both parts. In fact, "nasty" doesn't come close to describing the vileness of McCain's charge that Obama would rather lose a war that lose a campaign. And McCain's allegation that Obama canceled a visit with wounded soldiers because he couldn't have the press go into the hospital with him is another recent example of this nastiness. (This morning's Post has a front page article which comes about as close as any of ever seen to saying that McCain's charge is a lie.) I think many other examples could be adduced without too much effort.

And for those of us who were drawn to McCain in 2000 when he seemed to be a straight shooter, as for those of us who appreciated McCain's standing up for John Kerry in 2004 against the smears of the swiftboaters (at least initially), yes, it's a pity to see how he's pandering and smearing his own opponent this year.

Dan said...

Sorry about that typo. The parenthetical in the second paragraph should read:
(This morning's Post has a front page article which comes about as close as any I've ever seen to saying that McCain's charge is a lie.)

Dan said...

And am I paranoid or what? When even the AP reports that McCain is comparing Obama to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, thereby at one stroke trivializing the man (which might be "fair" in a political campaign) and, at the same time, playing to subconscious fears of black men abusing "our" white women, don't you think that qualifies as, at least, "nasty."

Dan said...

Okay, so that link doesn't work -- I'm still learning. (Or not. I don't know why that link doesn't work.) Anyway, it's supposed to take you to
You can, if you care enough, copy that address and paste it into your browser.

Dan said...

Fabulous. That doesn't work either. (Again, I don't know why.) How about just taking my word for it?

Dan said...

I wonder if any "blogger" has ever before left himself 6 comments.