Friday, February 22, 2008

3 Sketches

These require some explanation. In the first two, Abby did not draw the model; it was pre-printed. Abby cut patterns out of paper to make clothes for the model. And, more to the point, Abby added the background. In each case it took her about a minute and a half. It's impossible not to laugh while watching her draw. It's all so easy for her.

OK, she added the background. That means, in the one case, the grass, the dog, and the dog house. In the other, the chair, the drink, the water -- and the flip-flops (though I'm sure they shouldn't be lumped in under the term "background"). Enough. The pictures:

In the third picture, Abby's mom drew the face and then turned it over to Abby. Who turned it into a portrait of her mom, with accurate clothing, seated in the doctor's waiting room.

A reminder. Abby is 6.


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