Saturday, July 27, 2013

Handyman Dan puts on his electrician's hat

The Advance ICN-4P32-SC flourescent light ballast is not identical to the Aadvance REB-4P32-SC ballast, but it's close enough, right?  I mean, they've both got 2 blue wires, 2 yellow, 2 red, and a black and a white.  They're not exactly the same width and thickness, but they are the same length.  And both model numbers have 4P32 in them, and that must mean something.  So they must be close enought, right? Right?

"Right," I can answer, after replacing -- with considerable trepidation --one with the other .

The toughest part of switching the ballasts was removing and replacing the light fixture's cover (diffuser).  The darned thing is awkward and very brittle and if, like Handyman Dan, you're feeling a little cocky about the wiring trick you just pulled off, you might rush things a bit putting the cover back on and that G*d d**n diffuser's going to crack.  And a replacement ain't cheap.  D**n!!!!!!!


A couple weeks ago, the Handyman essayed replacing a couple relays in one of his wonderful wife's kilns.  (Remarkably ambitious of him, since he didn't even know what a relay was.)  Specifically, he replaced two Omron & Arrowmat 240 volt relays like this:
with two Potter & Brumfield 240 volt relays like this:
Very tricky, trying to transfer wires from one to the other, given the different configuration of the terminals, and very awkward in that tiny, crowded switch box, but surprisingly, the kiln worked perfectly when the wife tried it yesterday and again today.  (The wife would have tested the kiln sooner, but I refused to even plug the thing back in until we bought a fire extinguisher and installed a smoke detector.)

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