Tuesday, February 02, 2010

I hate TurboTax, 2

TurboTax wants to know "what changed in 2009" and offers this list:
Well, no, I didn't have a college expense in 2009, but I did have one a few years earlier that is still generating deductions on our state return. Should I check this box or not?

And no, I wasn't self-employed in 2009, but my wife certainly was and we are filing a joint return. She was also self-employed in 2008, so this is not a change in 2009. But the form doesn't say "I became self-employed," it says "I was self-employed." Should I check this box or not?

I hate TurboTax.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...


I see we're not meeting your expectations and we'd like to make it right. Please email me directly and we can get you some more help.

Thanks a bunch and have a great day,

Chelsea from TurboTax