Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Reality-Based Community . . .

. . . is fast becoming my favorite liberal blog.
Drawing the line (Posted by Mark Kleiman )

I understand Mukasey is supposed to be a reasonably good guy, by comparison with the run of Bush appointees. But if Mukasey won't say that waterboarding is torture and claims that the President has some undefined power to violate statute law — even criminal laws, such as the ban on torture and other war crimes — under his 'Article II powers,' then why should the Senate Judiciary Committee even bring his nomination to a vote? If he says he hasn't read the latest torture memos or decided whether waterboarding is torture, Sen. Leahy ought to tell him to read the memos and observe a waterboarding session and come back when he's done his homework.

I see no disadvantage in the Senate Democrats taking a firm stand on the rule of law and human decency.

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