Saturday, July 28, 2007

Poor Emily

She wears her light brown hair pulled into a ponytail, entirely revealing what Nebraska society politely termed a square jaw but which in fact is much closer to a broad isosceles triangle hanging parallel to the ground, suspended from her ears.
Arthur Phillips, Prague, p.7.
For the life of me, I can't get a picture of that face.

Update: OK, I guess I get it now, after thinking about it for 24 hours. When I read "jaw," I think "chin." But what he's describing, I suppose, is her mandible. I'm still not clear why polite Nebraska society would describe a pointy chin as a square jaw, however, and I'm even more confused about how poor Emily's mandible is parallel to the ground. Either she tilts her head up at about 20 degrees or her ears are very (very) low on her head. Regardless, the title of the post seems appropriate. Poor Emily.

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