Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Nunc dimittis

Cassie sends a report from the field that makes this old father's / father-in-law's / grandfather's heart sing:
Abby told us a story at dinner time...
"Once upon a time there was a wonderful family. A man, a mother, and a little girl. The girl loved taekwondo; and she thanked her mommy because she knew it cost a lot of money. And they were Rogie, Mommy, and Abby!"
Related: a 12-second movie that is not to be missed:


Jack Lot 36 said...

Life is getting completely out of hand. Barbara won't let me kick the cats, and now it looks as though little kids are getting to the point where...............


Dan said...

Maybe she'll let you kick them if you tell her it's therapy for your leg.

Speaking of your leg, . . .