Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Equal justice

From Andrew Sullivan:

'Under Bush, some people are imprisoned forever without due process of law while others who receive due process of law and are found guilty are set free. Do I have that right?' - a commenter on TPM.

Yes, you have that right. And these discrepancies often happen in a monarchy where the elite is above the law and decide, based on their own interests, who is and is not subject to the criminal justice system. Paris Hilton did more time than Scooter Libby.

Get angrier.


Jack Lot 36 said...

Doonesbury picked up on this very thing.
His cartoon strip shows a GI in Iraq talking to his Seargent.

GI: "Sarge, if Congress doesn't love and fund us over here, then I have to pack up and go home....and if the President does love and fund us, I get to stay here and get blown up by a roadside bomb...have I got that pretty much right, Sarge ?"

Sarge: "Permission denied to think that way".


Dan said...

Doonesbury rules!