Friday, January 31, 2014

Where's Waldo, um, er, ah, I mean Nexus?

For the past two weeks The Wonderful Wife has been badgering me lovingly inquiring as to where I might have left our Nexus tablet.

My replies -- "I didn't leave it anywhere" and "I never use the thing" -- were met with, shall we say, incredulity and the suggestion that "You probably left it at the ice skating rink" or "Maybe it's under the seat in the Buick; you should take the seat out and see" or "I'll bet you left it at Cassie and Roger's; you should go ransack their house looking for it."

Her nagging gentle suggestions finally moved me to look for the thing yesterday.  No, not at the skating rink or in the Buick or at Cassie and Roger's, but in our living room, our spare bedroom, our computer room, and finally one of rooms that the wonderful wife uses for her glass work.

And I found it!

The wonderful wife hasn't yet explained to my why I hid it with her glass.

But I'm sure she will.

Footnote 1.  The Nexus wasn't actually in the wonderful wife's studio:

Nor in the annex to her studio:
Rather it was in the annex to the annex:

Footnote 2.  The Nexus is cool -- and God knows I love my Kindle! -- but I sure wish both of them had some kind of alarm built in, an alarm that would help us locate them when they're "lost" and that we could activate by dialing a special phone number or clicking a button on a web site.  

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