Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Not So Handyman Dan — Fencing

At dinner on Friday, my friend Bob asked what I would be doing the next day.  I told him that I was going to try to repair a fence at Cassie and Roger's:  A post was wobbly, tree roots prevented the gate from opening and closing easily, and the "open" design virtually invited the dogs to stand there and growl menacingly (or bark deafeningly) at whatever caught their attention.

Bob wondered if it would be a big job.  My answer:  "Somebody who knows what he's doing could probably knock it off in a couple hours.  For me, it will be an all day job."

Once again I dramatically overestimate my abilities!  Three days later, however, the job is finally done.  (Well, at least until the whole thing falls down when one of the dogs leans against it.)

(No explanation for why the gate post sees to lean to the left in this photo and why the top of the gate seems to slope down from left to right.  I don't think it looks like that in real life.)

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