Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Lights! Camera! Action!

The redesigned CHO web site went "live" on February 25.  I note it here just in case I need that information at sometime in the future.

Overall, I guess I'm pretty pleased with it, though I do have some qualms over the slide shows.  I included them because:
  • I wanted to put some human faces on our activity (and we can't use photos of our clients because we need to protect their privacy, so that left our volunteers)
  • I wanted to give our volunteers some recognition
  • I wanted to add a little visual interest to the pages that would otherwise just be words, words, words
  • And maybe most important, I included them because I didn't know how to do it and I wanted to learn.
I think all those reasons (except maybe the last) are valid, but now that we've got the slide shows, I'm not really sure they help.  I wouldn't really be able to defend them very well against someone who thinks they are just plain distracting.

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