Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A productive day

I don't have very many, so when one comes along, I'd better take note of it:
  • Drove around town delivering receipts to people who donated furniture last Saturday (not sure I filled out any of the receipts accurately);
  • Emptied/rearranged furniture in the truck (usually a 2 or 3 man job, but a hand truck and a lift-gate make it doable by 1 -- if he's a man);
  • Repaired the concrete cap on a chimney (not as good as having a pro put on a new cap, but a lot cheaper);
  • Repaired a fluorescent fixture in Mary Ellen's studio (replaced the ballast);
  • Cooked tofu for supper, and it came out good (next time will be perfect).
When I bought the ballast -- half price because they're trying to clear out their inventory (I should go back tomorrow and stock up) -- I found an excuse to tell the clerk that my father-in-law used to tell me "You must have a rubber rule; each time you measure something you get a different answer. "

Definition of a very old man: Someone who tells a clerk he's never seen before and who's desperate for 5 p.m. to come around, "My father-in-law used to tell me . . ."

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