Sunday, October 04, 2009


I received an e-mail yesterday from an old friend. The last few lines made me laugh out loud:
Dear Dan,

I enjoyed your most recent email very much.If memory serves, it came just as I was bout to entrain to Staples Mill Station, Richmond VA on 19 Sept. I had a fine visit with"Teams' friends in their retirement community. Returning after a week I faced some illness but at this point have straightened out pretty well.

The point of this is to see if either of the addresses in my file still works! If so I will gladly respond t greater length on the very interesting topics of your email, as I recall:

Origen's theory of universal salvation;
Your interest in Heraclites the 'up=down' pre-Socratic;
G. M.Hopkins
I'm delighted to learn of the latter interest since he is one of my favorites.

How wide is the range of your thought!

I t                                             looks like myinsert key is dead forever.

disjointedly yours,
Fr. Hilary
--all of the above because you r               e             mail                   va         nished                     from       my       computer

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