Thursday, October 23, 2008


‘Paradise’ By the Internet: Milton’s 400th Birthday Honored With Epic Reading
By Dave Itzkoff

Cambridge University will mark the coming 400th anniversary of the birth of John Milton on Thursday with a live Internet broadcast of “Paradise Lost,” the university announced. Beginning at 9 a.m. in Cambridge (4 a.m., Eastern time), the university’s Faculty of English and Christ’s College (where Milton, who was born on Dec. 9, 1608, studied) will hold a marathon reading of the epic of man’s first disobedience and the fruit of that forbidden tree. The reading will cover all 12 books of “Paradise Lost” — more than 10,000 lines of poetry — and is expected to take 12 hours. Milton scholars unable to attend the event in the embossed flesh can tune in to an Internet broadcast at; a podcast of the reading will also be made available after the event."

Footnote: I added the "BlogThis" button to Firefox yesterday. It makes copying stuff from elsewhere on the web a snap.

Bulletin! Yoicks, it's on now! Hie thee to (And explore the rest of the Milton 400 site, too.)

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