Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Billy Goat Trail at Great Falls

Q: If it's called the Billy Goat Trail, how hard can it be?
A: Pretty darn hard.
Section A of the Billy Goat Trail is on Bear Island and traverses rough and rocky terrain, including a steep climb along a cliff face along the Potomac River's Mather Gorge. Hikers should take caution. At another point in the trail, hikers are required to scramble over and around huge boulders.
"A cliff face?!" Yep:
Click for a larger image.
A couple days ago, I hiked the trail with John, who's 20 years older than I am. It took us 2 hours to walk/climb/scramble the 1.7 mile course. I'm still aching but I'm afraid to ask how John's doing for fear he'll tell me he's never felt better.

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