Monday, August 13, 2007

Remarkably bad writing

Or maybe I just wasn't fully awake this morning when I found an editorial in the Post that began like this:
English, Sí?
A common language takes more than a resolution.

Latinos forman una mayor parte de la populacion en Manassas Park

IF YOU COULD not read that sentence, you probably aren't one of the many Latinos who helped make that Virginia suburb a place where minorities now outnumber non-Hispanic whites.
First, are there really more than an handful of people who can't puzzle out the meaning of "Latinos forman . . . "?

Second, and more important, the next sentence ("If you could not read . . .") is terribly tangled. I had to read it three or four times before I was able to get it's point. It's beyond me why the author didn't just say "More than a third of the population of Manassas Park is Latino."

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